Faith's Holistic Therapies

Faith’s Holistic Therapies

Time for you



Welcome to Faith’s Holistic Therapies.

Faith Ellis is a Holistic Therapist with a wide breadth of experience in energy healing and holistic health. She is an enthusiastic and knowledgable Usui Reiki Master-Teacher and a registered Member of the UK Reiki Federation, offering Reiki training and attunements for Levels One and Two, one to one healing sessions and regular monthly Reiki Shares. In addition, Faith is a 550 hours Yoga Teacher, with weekly classes on offer in Thorpe Bay and Leigh on Sea. She also offers holistic treatments from her treatment room in Thorpe Bay, including Indian Head Massage, Tarot Readings, Crystal Healing and Reiki. See the Events page for regular events, workshops and collaborations.

Look out for exciting new Events coming in 2024!

We look forward to hearing from you soon! 🕉.


Rei: Meaning Spirit, Higher Power
Ki: Meaning Universal flow of energy

Reiki is a gentle and energising healing technique involving light, non-invasive touch. Reiki helps to balance the body, mind and spirit by realigning the energy portals of the body, the chakras. During the session I work through a series of positions along the body, working intuitively with both the physical and subtle body. 

Many clients experience deep relaxation during the treatment, with pleasant feelings of warmth around the body. You may feel energised, refreshed, or more balanced emotionally after your treatment. Each experience can be quite different - so enjoy yours!It is recommended that clients take a course of 4 Reiki sessions for best results - discuss your needs with me after your first session.


Crystal healing

This beautiful complimentary therapy uses the healing properties and wisdom of semi-precious stones to balance and heal the whole self - body, mind and spirit. A session promotes deep relaxation and healing on a cellular level. Crystals are selected according to their mineral content and natural energy healing properties, and gently placed on precise energy points on and around the body. Reiki is also used during this treatment to raise the frequency of the stones and promote balance and overall healing.



Tarot Reading

Tarot is a beautiful way to connect to the Higher Self, enabling you to access deep messages and guidance that we are sometimes unable to see for ourselves. Tarot brings a deeper connection to the Divine and can be a great comfort in uncertain times. My Tarot Readings are currently offered both online and in person - please click the button below to see options.



Yoga is about meeting yourself on the mat as you are and deeply connecting with your authentic being. Yoga means to unite, and during a session we consciously connect to the body, mind and spirit, bringing about a union within. Using gentle movement and the breath, we improve our energy and overall wellbeing. My classes are tailored to the needs of my students, and there is no judgement here! Everyone, absolutely everyone, is welcome - and no previous experience is necessary.
